So a while back on
By The Bay an interesting question was brought up. How did we see our characters in our mind's eye? Everyone envisions a character differently, but who would we have play our characters if they were to ever be brought to life in a movie for the big screen or even television? Hey, you never know, the Hallmark Channel might do something like that! Something like Chicken Soup for the Soul. It would be fantastic!
Now when I first started writing my story, I honestly didn't have anyone in mind for any of my characters. Just some traits and vague notions. However, as I think on it I can get a 'vision' of who would play whom.

I could see
Rick Moranis playing the role of Rick Dandes. He's adorably distracted and sweet. I think it's a pretty good match.

As Anna I see
Jewel Staite. She's just darling and would make an adorable match with her on screen husband.
And I definitely see
Betty White as Dorothy Dandes. I think she would be fantastic! She's so versatile. She can be tough and wise cracking one moment and the next she's sweet as pie.

Stella was the hardest for me, as I never really gave her any features. But when it comes down to it I would love for
Laura Cohen to play her. She's extremely capable and I think she could pull it off. I also have to admit I was binge watching The Walking Dead at the time, so she seemed a natural pick.

Of course Stella's convertible would have to be a 1990 Mazda Miata in white. And if a movie is ever made I want the car when the movie is wrapped up. Hey a girl can dream!
So who did you envision playing these parts? Did it coincide with my mind's eye? Leave a comment below to let me know what you think.