Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Color Me Baffled

As you may or may not know, I'm about to move to the west coast.  You read a few of the previous posts right?  So this really isn't news to you.

So this entails getting renters for our current home (Done!), finding a new place to live (still searching), packing up our place (currently happening) and then moving (soon).   Granted I don't physically move until the end of September, but this is the way that it's happening.

Oh and did I mention that my dear sweet husband isn't even home to keep me sane?  Or at least a semblance of sane.  Insert a sly grin here my friends.  The navy has other plans for him and that's okay.

I can do this!  And if I say it enough times I will eventually believe it!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Norfolk Botanical Gardens - WOW Garden

Recently I did a post on the Butterfly House and promised to do more on some of the other parts of the gardens.

Today is that day!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Color Me Mine

Once upon a time I was a ceramics fiend.  The ceramic store that I spent many an hour at is now gone and I let my painting hobby fall by the wayside.

Many of my spouse groups have gone here and have lots of fun.  Sadly I missed out on those fun times.

I recently rectified that this past week.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Norfolk Botanical Gardens - Butterfly House

The Norfolk Botanical Gardens is a hidden gem in the midst of a city.

I had been in the past to the Season of Lights (post on that later this year), but I'd never actually gone into the gardens.

So recently a friend of mine took me and I so appreciate it.