So this entails getting renters for our current home (Done!), finding a new place to live (still searching), packing up our place (currently happening) and then moving (soon). Granted I don't physically move until the end of September, but this is the way that it's happening.
Oh and did I mention that my dear sweet husband isn't even home to keep me sane? Or at least a semblance of sane. Insert a sly grin here my friends. The navy has other plans for him and that's okay.
I can do this! And if I say it enough times I will eventually believe it!
I will say I'm quite fortunate as a navy spouse that the military will move me. I know many people will grumble and complain about the movers. But I'm not going to complain, because I don't have to do this job and I'm not paying. What is there honestly to complain about?
Although, as I have recently discovered, people will find something to complain about in any situation.
My movers seemed shocked that I had snacks and waters waiting for them if they needed or wanted them. Even more shocked when I asked what they wanted for lunch. And they blushed when I thanked them for their work for the day.
Really? Have we strayed so far from common courtesy and niceties that this isn't a norm?
So I turned to my navy spouse Facebook pages and posed the question. I'm happy to report many of the spouses said they did the same, but there were others that gave me pause.
When you post on the internet I think you should always read what you've typed out loud before you post it, because it may not always come out the way you intended. Now granted I didn't always heed my own advice, but I think I'm getting better. I hope!
Some of my replies, when read aloud came off as not quite so nice. And that may not have been their intention, but it didn't put them in a very good light. Others gave back awesome responses and actually countered some of the nay sayers in the group. Kudos to them!
Is it really so hard to provide a lunch for the people who are packing your life's belongings? It's not bribing them to do a better job. They may not be able to travel to a place for lunch. Also, this takes away time that they're at your home. So your pack out may be longer. Just saying.
Plus I know I always work better if I'm well fed.
It's really not that expensive. If you just do a tiny bit of planning. Pick up an extra case of water while you're out shopping. You know this is happening, we get plenty of warning usually, so hit those sales!
You can cook something ahead of time if you'd like. Then you only have to pop it in the oven. Have take out menus available for them to choose from. Be flexible. You could even have deli meats and provide the fixings for sandwiches and chips.
I guess I'm from another time when you took care of the people that were doing for you. And this saddens me. I live by the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I'm sure some of my more negative commenters would have been in for a very rude awakening if this was applied to them. I'm hoping I misread though.
And just so this post isn't a complete downer, I've included a photo of my cat Pumpkin. He is completely unfazed by what's going on around him. And yes, I took this yesterday as people were packing boxes in the room. He's loving the adventure. Wish I could say the same about my other animals.
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