Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Branching Out

I've started up something new for the blog.  Hoping that it will force me to work more on my writing and the blog.  Don't want anyone to think I've given up.

So, I thought I'd share things that are happening in my area.  Give you a glimpse of things that are going on in 'my neck of the woods'.

Willoughby Live Oak - Norfolk Naval Station
I honestly didn't know about this until recently.

Funny how you can live somewhere for years and keep learning new things about the place all the time.

I love all the history of the Hampton Roads area.

I hope you enjoy the article as much as I did.  I've yet to visit the actual site, but it is definitely on the agenda.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Books, Books, Books

Once again the authors of By The Bay: East Beach Stories will be signing their book on April 30th from 12 to 2 pm at The Book Exchange located at 116 East Little Creek Rd. Norfolk, VA 23503.

Come join us!