Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Slover Library

Libraries seem to be an asset that really aren't utilized to their fullest potential.  Which is really sad.  There's something wonderful about libraries in general.  I've spent so much time in libraries growing up.  I must sadly admit that my relationship with libraries has waned.  I must get better about that.  Looks like it's time to renew that library card!

But I digress...

I was fortunate enough to get a tour of the Slover Library in downtown Norfolk by Will Hopkins, a fellow author and painter.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Author Appearnace

Did you miss the last book signing?  Never fear my friends there's always a second chance.

Join us this Tuesday at Slover Library in Norfolk, VA to chat about our book!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Coming To Terms

Death is inevitable.  We all know this, but none of us truly want to think about it.  It's morbid and depressing.  No one wants to think about loosing the one you love.  I mean that's something that's going to happen in the distant future so no need to worry about it now.  Right?

Since becoming an 'adult', I've attended three funerals for people that are not related to me in anyway.  Being an adult can suck sometimes.  Tomorrow I go to my fourth funeral.  For the first time it's for a military spouse that I knew.  This was something that I never thought would happen.

I know I could probably get away with not going, because we weren't close.  But I won't.  Funerals aren't for the dead.  They are for the living.  So tomorrow I will go so that her family feels that they aren't the only ones who will mourn her passing.

Time is fleeting, so treasure each moment.

Monday, June 6, 2016

A Voice From The Past

My husband and I love Robert Frost's poetry.  There's just something hauntingly beautiful about hearing his words out of his own mouth.

I hope you enjoy as much as I did.