Thursday, July 28, 2016


Isn't that an odd title for a blog post?

If you read my 'bio', you'll know that I'm a navy wife.  And in military life, you always know that inevitably you will be moving.  See, I've just explained the title.

We've been fortunate enough to stay in the Norfolk area for 8 years straight.  Shocking to many people, I know.  We've been here off and on since 1994 and have honestly come to think of it as home.

However, that streak is about to be broken.  In mere months we will be moving to the west coast.

So my summer has been filled with painting and prepping the house for renters.  Now the house has to stay in a constant viewing stage.  Which, I guess is good because it's a much cleaner state than normal.

Now it's time to make sure I do those last things that I've always wanted to do in the area.  I've been here 8 years, why didn't I do it before?  Probably because there wasn't a sense of urgency.  So now I need to make that bucket list for the summer and start checking things off!

I promise to post more as our crazy adventures continue.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!  I know I will.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mermaid Hunting

What is Norfolk's obsession with mermaids?  Those half-women/half-fish sirens of the sea have a bad reputation in mythology, where these sea maidens “would sing to men on ships or shores nearby, practically hypnotizing them with their beauty and song. Those affected would rush out to sea only to be either drowned, eaten, or otherwise sent to their doom.” So goes the legend. Then along comes Ariel in Disney's version of The Little Mermaid, and suddenly the sea nymph’s image became all sweetness and light.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Fourth Of July

Pell Bridge

Some days you just need to step away from it all.  From the projects that have consumed you for the past month or so and just take a break.

I've been consumed with house projects and have sadly neglected my writing.

But this is exactly what I did at the end of June.  And a big shout out to my wonderful husband for recommending it!